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What is Colic The result of a nervous system under stress.Colic can be emotionally draining and frustrating for new moms.(Let’s be honest, ALL moms) It’s so hard to see your baby so uncomfortable, the inconsolable cries, the sleepless nights, throwing their little bodies around in distress. It’s hard on your mama heart, and it can feel very hopeless when you’re in the thick of it. So, what is it?
Colic, by definition, is described as excessive crying, often occurring in the late afternoon or evening, with no apparent medical cause. Traditional medicine will tell us that colic is caused by an immature digestive system, food sensitivities, a buildup of gas within the digestive track, or too much dairy from mom. While this sometimes may be the case, Pediatric Chiropractors look to the nervous system for answers.
In an infant, the nervous system, particularly the autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a pivotal role in regulating nervous system function. An imbalance within the ANS is often seen in conjunction with a sympathetic nervous system in a dominant state. The sympathetic nervous system is our “fight or flight” system. An infant that spends majority of time in this dominantstate can be found to have high muscle tension, a heightenedstress response, and decreased immune and digestive functions.All of which are attributes of colic.
Colic in infants arise from neurological factors such as prenatal stress during pregnancy, stressors during labor and delivery, birth interventions such as vacuum extraction or forceps delivery, and even long durations of labor. All of which can contribute to an imbalance within the nervous system of an infant.
Colic is a symptom, and the result of an overwhelmed nervous system. Having your infant’s nervous system assessed by a chiropractor who specializes in pediatric chiropractic adjustments can create harmony and restore balance to the nervous system, relieving the symptoms we see associated with colic and improving the overall wellbeing of baby, and by default, mom too.

By: Samantha Pajestka, DC

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